Always further with 55 years ofexperience...

For many years, as a company that integrates technology with solutions to positively impact human health, we also conduct our occupational health and safety policy in line with the importance we place on people and human health. We, as Nüve;

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Create and make the occupational health and safety culture a way of life.

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Use safe equipment and appropriate technologies for a healthy and safe working environment.

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Identify and implement necessary measures to prevent workplace accidents and occupational illnesses.

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Aim to minimize workplace accidents with the goal of 'Zero Work Accidents'.

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Comply with the legal regulations regarding occupational health and safety.

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Ensure the safety of visitors to our premises.

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Ensure the participation of our employees and stakeholders in continuous improvement efforts for occupational health and safety practices.

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Apply lessons learned from OHS issues as preventive measures and disseminate best practices throughout all our work areas.

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Strive to raise awareness among all stakeholders about the importance of OHS issues, carefully nurture its development, provide our employees with training on occupational health and safety to enhance their competence, and promote personal awareness.

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Ensure the continuity and continuous improvement of our Occupational Health and Safety Management System, which has been established and is being implemented accordingly.



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